The Contra Costa Transportation Authority is planning to place a new half-cent sales tax for transportation on the March 2020 ballot, which would raise about $3 billion over 30 years. This is a critical opportunity to make Contra Costa County communities more affordable, safe, and healthy, and ensure that residents with transportation barriers like seniors, youth, and people with disabilities can more easily get where they need to go.
Tell your representatives that you want to see a bold, equitable expenditure plan with major investments in sustainable transportation options.
TransForm and more than a dozen partner organizations are urging the CCTA to make the following commitments. More detailed asks are in our coalition platform. Tell decision-makers that you support these demands:
You can make a difference if you take action now before the CCTA votes on August 21, 2019. We also encourage you to share your priorities in this CCTA Survey.
Coalition members:
350 Bay Area
Bike East Bay
Contra Costa Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Contra Costa MoveOn
Elders Climate Action
Greenbelt Alliance
Indivisible ReSisters Walnut Creek
Orinda Progressive Action Alliance
Monument Impact
Save Mount Diablo
Sunflower Alliance
Sustainable Rossmoor
Urban Habitat
Send an email and share on social media
There are no officials for you to contact on Twitter.
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It appears you live outside Contra Costa County. While we can’t email your elected representatives this way, there are other ways you can make your voice heard!
Take the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s survey about your transportation priorities.
Share this action alert and the CCTA survey with people you know in and around Contra Costa County using the templates below.
Contact CCTA staff and commissioners to share your thoughts directly. Let them know about your connection to transportation in Contra Costa.
Sample Tweet: I support fair, sustainable transportation investments for #ContraCostaCounty. If you also want more transportation alternatives to cut traffic and pollution, tell your elected representatives here: http://bit.ly/ccta-action.
Sample Post for Facebook: Transportation plans need to cut traffic AND pollution by supporting convenient alternatives to solo driving. That’s why I just signed on to support fair, sustainable transportation investments for Contra Costa County. Join me and tell your elected representatives we need change: http://bit.ly/ccta-action.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at lmason@transformca.org.
Share this action on social media, or reach out to your friends in California and ask them to take action.
Thank You
Please share this action with anyone else you know who might be interested.
Sample Tweet: I support fair, sustainable transportation investments for #ContraCostaCounty. If you also want more transportation alternatives to cut traffic and pollution, tell your elected representatives here: http://bit.ly/ccta-action.
Sample Facebook Post: Transportation plans need to cut traffic AND pollution by enabling more convenient alternatives to solo driving. That’s why I just signed on to support fair, sustainable transportation investments for Contra Costa County. Join me and tell your elected representatives we need change: http://bit.ly/ccta-action.